Learn how to make gut healthy foods from the comfort of your own home.

  • Cultured Dairy Course $50 usd

    Cultured Dairy Course $50 USD

    Contrary to what we are told, dairy can be the king of all superfoods. When it is cultured the difficult to digest compounds (lactose and casein) are totally removed leaving a probiotic rich food that every family member will love. All recipes can be made with goat or camel milk if there is a true cows milk allergy!

  • Meat Stock & Bone Broth Course $50 USD

    When made properly, stocks and broths have a unique amino acid profile that heals holes and and calms inflammation in our gut lining. When made poorly they can be high in damaging proteins that make symptoms worse! Learning the correct methods for stock and broth is the foundation for healing and the first food I suggest clients introduce! In this course we go over everything you need to know to get gelatinous, delicious broth every time!

  • Sauerkraut & Fermented Veggies Course $40 USD

    Fermented veggies are filled with beneficial bacteria (lactobacillus) that balance our body’s PH making it inhospitable to bad bacteria like e-coli staph and strep. In this course you’ll learn everything you need to know to make flawless cultured veggies like sauerkraut, salsa, probiotic pickles and even medicinal garlic. You’ll even learn ways to get them into the pickiest eaters! These keep in the fridge for months so you can make them in bulk saving you tons of time and money!

  • My Complete Guide to Reversing Histamine Intolerance

    My Complete Guide to Reversing Histamine Intolerance $50

    If you’re wanting to reverse Histamine Intolerance or MCAS and don’t know how, this guide is for you! I explain how all histamine issues start in the gut and how by healing your gut lining the body stops overproducing histamine and starts creating DAO to remove histamine adeqautely! This is everything I tell my clients in one guide. It should be read alongside the Blue GAPS book “Gut and Physiology Syndrome” by Dr Natasha Campbell McBride.

  • Traditional Foods Bundle $90

    Get all 3 courses (sauerkraut, meat stock and bone broth and cultured dairy) and save 35%